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Reflecting on my father and the future......

Having this year's Father's Day come and gone, it has given me time to reflect on my old man. He died unexpectedly in late 2004 and I often wonder if he's turning over in his grave. He believed as I do, that color doesn't matter only the team you're on. Are you American or not? Friend or foe? Do you wish us to prosper or perish?

He lived through World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm and the beginnings of Enduring Freedom, etc. That is not to say that he was in any of those conflicts but he watched the nation. He had served his country in the US Army. All through that time, liberal and conservative politicians came and went. Civil disobedience, riots, ridiculous political posturing, and on and on, he witnessed. He disagreed with a lot of that but his faith in this nation and its people never wavered.

He was full of flaws, a bit of womanizer and gambler but I knew 2 things. One he loved his country, and two he loved his family. With the exception of those two flaws, I am becoming like my dad. I see the same things that he saw, repackaged and reattempted. Except this time, my faith wavers.

With the help of a dear friend, in creating this blog, I will be posting my feelings about what I see in the community and nation. The death of common courtesy, the failings of public education and society in regard to the younger generations(this means you millenials and Gen Zers) among many other subjects.

Is this exercise self-indulgent? Probably, but why not? Everyone else is. I listen to the other sides arguments. Why can't I put out my own? Speak for those of us in the older generations who see the wrongs we have done in raising our children. Speak to those sins of the father(and mother in this day of equality....or is it birthing person?) that have caused this society to begin and continue the process of raising snowflakes!

More to come...probably controversial to some but really just commone sense!

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